Float therapy
The all-natural practice For mental wellness
According to a 2018 clinical study, spending an hour in a float tank (also called a sensory deprivation tank) could be the most relaxing experience of your life. At the Laureate Institute for Brain Research (LIBR), 50 clinically anxious people were recruited to try a float therapy session for the first time.
During their session, they each spent 1-hour disconnected from the external world, floating weightlessly atop the warm, Epsom salt-saturated water of the tank. They experienced a profound range of benefits including a decrease in blood pressure, lowered muscle tension, and relaxed thoughts.
But the biggest shock came after they got out… Astonishingly, every single person involved reported feeling less stress & anxiety after their session. Even more impressive, 80% reported the float was the single most relaxing experience of their lives!