The practice of floating in a tank on the water’s surface, saturated with over 1,000 lbs of Epsom Salt to keep you effortlessly afloat, half in & out of the water.
When you turn off the light in the soundproof environment that’s heated to skin-neutral temperature, you’ll be free of all sensory stimulus.
Our float cabins are spacious (8’ x 4’), tall enough to stand in and always let you get out anytime you want.
90 minutes of no sight, sound, touch or gravity is like training wheels for meditation.
The tank does all the work for you, clearing distractions so your nervous system can enter a deep relaxation state not possible anywhere else.
Whether it’s reducing stress & anxiety. Relieving joint pain. Improving sleep. Recovery is enhanced in every system of your body.
Click below for our Float Optimization Protocol PDF to learn how to get the most out of your float experience.